The Ramsey Municipal Alliance is excited to be able to present a $300 scholarship to a Ramsey Senior who has demonstrated leadership skills in effectively providing Drug Prevention and Mental Health Education to their peers. This student has carried themselves with strong character and integrity, and is therefore being nominated by an advisor from Ramsey Central School District.
This student has:
Continuously demonstrated strong leadership skills
Set a positive example for their peers as well as younger students
Been honest, fair, and continuously acted with integrity
Set an example of a substance-free lifestyle and delivered a drug free message to other students
Offered carefully thought out ideas on how to increase mental wellness
Overcome a personal challenge or a challenge external to themselves, and used that experience to help others
The RMA will be expanding these parameters for next year, and the scholarship amount may change at that time. Interested students should speak to an advisor at school, or email the RMA for more information.